Tiffins Cafe

Tiffin's Café

Harnessing Sustainable Energy for a Greener Future




Solar & Battery

C02e Saving

1.53 tonnes Annually

Trees Saved

70 Annually


Tiffin's Café, located in the picturesque town of Merthyr Tydfil, embarked on a journey towards sustainability by investing in a cutting-edge Solar PV system paired with Battery Storage. This strategic decision not only reduced their carbon footprint but also had a positive impact on their operations as a whole.


Tiffin's Café recognised the need to reduce its environmental impact and operating costs. They were also keen to explore innovative ways to harness the abundant solar energy available. Traditionally, surplus energy generated by Solar PV systems is exported back to the grid, resulting in missed opportunities for energy optimisation.

Key Benefits

Reduced Carbon Footprint

By installing the Battery Storage system, Tiffin's Café significantly reduced its reliance on conventional grid electricity. This shift translated into saving approximately 70 trees per year, equivalent to offsetting the carbon emissions produced by a small car driving over 3,500 miles annually.

Lower CO2 Emissions

The implementation of this sustainable energy solution resulted in a substantial annual reduction of approximately 1.53 metric tons of CO2 emissions. This reduction aligns with Tiffin's Café's commitment to sustainability.

Energy Cost Savings

With the ability to store surplus solar energy, Tiffin's Café not only reduced their energy bills but also gained more control over their electricity costs. This financial advantage allows them to reinvest in their business.

Energy Independence

The combination of Solar PV and Battery Storage gave Tiffin's Café a level of energy independence, making them less susceptible to power outages and grid disruptions. This reliability ensures uninterrupted service to their customers.

The Solution

In collaboration with Nuvolt, Tiffin's Café decided to install a Battery Storage system alongside Solar PV. This smart combination allowed them to capture and store surplus energy during sunny days, which could then be utilised during periods of low solar generation or high energy demand.

"We're thrilled with the decision to integrate Battery Storage with a Solar PV system at Tiffin's Café.

This isn't just about cutting costs; it's about leading by example and showing that businesses can be both profitable and sustainable.

The fact that we're saving 70 trees annually and reducing our CO2 emissions by 1.53 metric tonnes is incredibly rewarding.

We're proud to contribute to a greener, brighter future and hope to inspire other businesses to make the leap into renewable energy."

Stefan & Paula Smith, Owners of Tiffin's Café


Tiffin's Café's decision to invest in Battery Storage alongside their Solar PV system exemplifies their dedication to sustainability and innovation. By capturing surplus solar energy, they have not only reduced their carbon footprint but also made significant strides towards energy efficiency and cost savings. The 70 trees saved annually and the 1.53 metric tons of CO2 emissions reduction stand as a testament to their commitment to a greener future.

This case study serves as an inspiring example of how businesses can make environmentally responsible choices while also benefiting from sustainable energy solutions. Tiffin's Café has set a remarkable precedent for businesses looking to embrace renewable energy and reduce their environmental impact.

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